a recipe worth sharing

I’m one of those people who can’t just pop out an idea like popping out a Nestle chocolate chip cookie from a tube when guests drop in unexpectedly. My brain requires a lot of failed trials before I come up with a recipe worth sharing. That’s how it was with preparing this portfolio. I really needed time to ruminate on ideas, to try some things out, to idea-storm. Some ingredients just don’t taste good with others. I mean, it’s obvious that I wouldn’t put garlic in a chocolate dessert, but how about cinnamon? I’d have to try it out and I’d probably throw that idea away, (or my husband will eat it—he eats whatever I put in front of him) because, in my opinion, cinnamon and chocolate are as bad together as using umpteen fonts. Note: if you like cinnamon and chocolate, I hold nothing against you. I’ll even make it for you, but please never ask me to use umpteen fonts. Refining a design isn’t a one-and-done job. Big ideas take lots of little ideas and the right one is never the first one. That’s why I choose to see each throwaway as a successful step toward a guest-worthy design.

One final thought. If you came here looking for a good chocolate chip cookie recipe, these are amazing! https://glutenfreeonashoestring.com/gluten-free-new-york-times-chocolate-chip-cookies/


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